10/1/ · DIEP for Reflective Writing February 14, In "Assignment Requirements" Structure Checklist September 13, In "Structure" TEEL - Paragraph Structure September 15, In REFLECTIVE WRITING: DIEP Reflective writing can be included in a variety of different assignment tasks. It can include keeping a reflective journal or learning log with multiple entries – particularly for professional placements – or be part of an essay or report. Reflective writing aims to get you to think about and understand your learning experiences. This outline is an approach to reflective writing, Reflective writing aims to help you focus on significant new insights you have gained through course work, practical placement (WIL), academic reading, etc. A reflective assignment may require a series of individual reflections, or focus on one. This outline presents an approach to writing a reflection, using the ‘DIEP’ strategy. * File Size: 57KB
Reflective writing | Learning Lab
Username or email. Keep me signed in until I sign out. Reflective writing is an analytical practice in which the writer examines or describes a real or imaginary scene, interaction, event, passing thought, or memory and adds a personal reflection on its meaning.
The writer then writes about those experiences, describing how he or she has developed, changed, or grown from those experiences. Reflection allows you to look back on something and think deeply about it. Often, this will, in turn, challenge your beliefs and affect your future actions. Reflective writing is a chance to think critically about how an experience made you feel and how this connects to your personal beliefs. We all have our own perspectives that we bring to any situation, which in turn affects how we see it.
This process also gives you an opportunity to connect these experiences, feelings, and beliefs to theory and research. You can then use these ideas in combination to inform how you might act or think differently in the future.
Be careful. One of the dangers, when asked to write a reflective piece, is to dedicate too much of your word count to simply describing the experience rather than dedicating effort towards interpreting and evaluating it.
To avoid this, remember: your personal perspective is important. Unlike other types of writing, reflective writing is a chance for you to write about your feelings and experiences in the first person. To be sure your reflective writing piece goes deeper than simply describing the event, try considering your experience in relation to this model:. Describe what happened.
Interpret the event. Consider what the experience might mean. How did it make diep format reflective writing feel? What new insights have you gained from it? Finally, outline a plan for how the experience may impact your thinking and behavior in the future, diep format reflective writing.
Being able to write in this way takes time and practice. Start by brainstorming aspects of your experience first, then any relevant theories you studied. Next, add related past experiences or personal beliefs. This final step will help you identify a theme. Doing this first will give you the best chance of producing a connected narrative where your experience, interpretations, evaluations, and plans are presented in a cohesive way.
If you have time and already have a topic to write about, now start your diep format reflective writing brainstorm and find a theme to focus on. Read the two paragraphs and ask yourself: is one more effective than the other?
If so, diep format reflective writing, how? Also Read: 6 Qualities of Good Academic Writing You Should Adopt Now! When writing a technical note during my internship I was able to use my rolling stock knowledge to apply fleet braking performance characteristics, diep format reflective writing, as documented in the fleet standards, and track geometry, as defined by drawings, to identify worst case stopping distances.
It was my first time to write a technical note. The senior engineer I was working for gave me guidance throughout the process. However, upon seeing the amount of comments on my first draft, I felt disheartened, but once I read through them, I realized they were all worthy additions to the deliverable.
While I am confident in my technical knowledge and understanding, writing succinct technical documents is a skill I hope to develop further. When writing a technical note during my internship I was able to use my rolling stick knowledge to apply fleet braking performance characteristics, as documented in the fleet standards, and track geometry, as defined by drawings, to identify worst-case stopping distances.
As this was my first technical note, I found it challenging to write such a short technical document that flowed from start to finish and contained all the necessary information. The senior engineer I was working for gave me guidance throughout the process which gave me more confidence and I felt stimulated to complete the task. It reminded me that while I was able to apply the fleet diep format reflective writing well, I need to develop my succinct technical writing skills further.
Paragraph 2 is a much more in-depth reflection than the first. The sentences highlighted in bold in the second paragraph are additional points that were missing from the first. In the second paragraph, the author has identified their focus or theme — in this case, their experience of writing their first technical document in the workplace.
The student who wrote the second paragraph will have a much deeper understanding of the experience and how they can use it to shape their own development in the future.
Also Read: How to Research Online for Essay Writing Assignments. To be sure you have a balance of ideas and have not diep format reflective writing too much of your word count to simply describing the experience, try color-coding your description, interpretation, evaluation, diep format reflective writing, and plan in four different colors.
Here the description is highlighted in blue, the interpretation in red, the evaluation in green, and the plan in yellow. This allows us diep format reflective writing easily see the balance between these four elements. This is a great technique to try while editing your document.
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How to Write a Reflection Essay
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DIEP Outline for Writing Reflective J ournals. D – Describe objectively what occurred. Give the details of what occurred. Answer the question: What did I do, read, observe, hear? I – Interpret the events. Explain your learning: new insights, connections with File Size: 54KB Remember that you are not just writing to say something but to share an important lesson in life. 1. Think of an important event. What you will be writing on your reflective essay is something that is rooted in your own personal experience or encounter of something. Think deep and concentrate. You may also see personal essay examples & samples. 2 4/19/ · Writing an academic reflection. Reflective writing requires you to think deeply about your learning experience. This tutorial models the reflection process and demonstrates how to integrate references and student analysis into your writing
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