What are other ways to say because? The conjunction because introduces a direct reason for an occurrence or action: I was sleeping because I was tired. As and since are so casual as to imply merely circumstances attendant on the main statement: As (or since) I was tired, I was sleeping. The reason, proof, or justification introduced by for is like Thank you Another Word For Because In An Essay from the bottom of my heart. May God bless you and your family always. May God bless you and your family always. - Ann, English Graduate/10() 12/16/ · By comparison, varying word choice can make your work easier to read and more engaging. Today, we’re going to share several synonyms for ‘because’ that will make your work look more academic. Synonyms for ‘Because’ Let’s start with an example sentence: Marjorie was angry because the moles kept digging up her blogger.comted Reading Time: 1 min
See how your sentence looks with different synonyms. The conjunction because introduces a direct reason for an occurrence or action: I was sleeping because I was tired. As and since are so casual as to imply merely circumstances attendant on the main statement: As or since I was tired, I was sleeping. The reason, proof, or justification introduced by for is like an afterthought or a parenthetical statement: I was famished, for I had not eaten all day. The more formal inasmuch another word for because in an essay implies concession; the main statement is true in view of the circumstances introduced by this conjunction: Inasmuch as I was tired, it seemed best to sleep.
conjuction on account of. other words for because MOST RELEVANT. as as a result of as long as as things go being by cause of by reason of by virtue of considering due to for for the reason that for the sake of in as much as in behalf of in that in the interest of in view of now that another word for because in an essay the grounds that over owing to seeing since thanks to through whereas.
Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © by the Philip Lief Group. Meet Grammar Coach Improve Your Writing, another word for because in an essay. USE because IN A SENTENCE See how your sentence looks with different synonyms. TRY NOW. WHEN TO USE What are other ways to say because? QUIZZES Quiz Yourself On The Oxford Comma! START THE QUIZ. EXAMPLE SENTENCES FROM THE WEB Because he's joined the colors—he's not dead! Because he's found his duty—he's not lost!
WITH THE COLORS EVERARD JACK APPLETON. I will drive you over- because it is rather a lonesome walk for you. THE COPY-CAT AND OTHER STORIES MARY E. WILKINS FREEMAN. He was silent; and presently she said: "I—the reason of it—my crying—is b-b- because I don't wish you to be unhappy, another word for because in an essay.
Can you picture a room where the portires are all of different lengths? because the decorator had no sense of line value?
POLLY IN NEW YORK LILLIAN ELIZABETH ROY. At length she stammered: "I did not come b- because I simply couldn't stand it! Nobody questioned, nobody wondered any more- because nobody had time to remember. THE GLIMPSES OF THE MOON EDITH WHARTON. Have it which side you choose! because it really doesnt matter nowadays.
THE SORROWS OF SATAN MARIE CORELLI. B- because of my f-friend Higgins I'll let y-you off this t-time, but remember the j-judge and let w-whiskey alone.
He was angry, too-more than angry- because he felt so helpless, a sensation that was new and stifling. So I said to Sloper, "Why, b- because they both get blown—in time! SYNONYM OF THE DAY APRIL 24, Choose the synonym for drop. considering adjective taking everything in mind.
all in all all things considered as as long as because everything being equal for forasmuch as in consideration of in light of in view of inasmuch as insomuch as now pending seeing since taking into account. for conjunction in consequence of the fact that. as as long as because being considering inasmuch as now since whereas.
inasmuch as conjunction in view of the fact that. because insofar as making allowance for seeing that since while. insofar adverb to such an extent. as because considering inasmuch as seeing that since taking into account while. since preposition in the time past; because. after afterward ago already as because considering for from hence later now past subsequently therefore whereas.
so conjunction in such a manner. accordingly afterward apparently because consequently ergo exact hence indeed likewise quite sic similarly then therefore thus too true very well. PREVIOUS 1. See Today's Synonym.
Stop using these words: and, but, if, so, because
, time: 5:12
What are other ways to say because? The conjunction because introduces a direct reason for an occurrence or action: I was sleeping because I was tired. As and since are so casual as to imply merely circumstances attendant on the main statement: As (or since) I was tired, I was sleeping. The reason, proof, or justification introduced by for is like Another Word For Because In An Essay at all academic levels. Our team is based in the U.S. We’re not an offshore “paper mill” grinding out questionable research and inferior writing. But don’t take our word for it. Here’s what our Another Word For Because In An Essay customers say about our essay /10() Their procedure enables you to learn and is extremely. Another Word For Because In An Essay. useful for average students like me. -Michael McFarland. blogger.com Another Word For Because In An Essay. does everything it says it will do and on time/10()
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